10 Reasons We Recommend Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science For Your Daily Family Devotions

books christian family stewardship prayer and worship resources stewardship of family Jan 09, 2023
Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science For Your Daily Family Devotions

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.

PSALM 19:1


We found a unique family devotional book called Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science.  This was so cool to discover, especially for our son Cole, who has a strong interest in science. We wanted to share our experience and encourage you to consider it for your own devotions, especially if you have children between the ages of five and twelve.

The array of choices out there for family devotional books is staggering, and it can be tough to know where to begin!  It’s good that there are so many choices including some devotions about God and science – this enables families to choose something that works well for their kids.  

It can be challenging to find one that aligns with your theology, maintains the interest of your children, and is appropriate for all ages.

1) Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science is Biblically Accurate

The first thing we prioritize in choosing a devotional is making sure it is biblically solid.  This book did not disappoint; there were no areas of concern that we discovered.  Many of the teachings were basic, which was a good level for our children, who were between five and ten at the time. Each lesson had a clear, biblical connection or teaching and the Gospel message is present throughout the entire book.  It is one of our favorite books for children!

Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science For Your Daily Family Devotions

2) Illustrations

These devotions about God and science have incredible illustrations for each Bible story. Our kids enjoyed seeing the illustrations before each reading.  Looking at the pictures also helped to preview the topic of the next day’s devotion and increase their anticipation and interest.

3) Interesting Facts

The facts in the book were fascinating and included both biblical and scientific information. These devotions about God and science were accurate, explained well, and interesting for both children and adults. The “Be Amazed” section of each reading included an exciting fact about science or nature and tied it into the devotion. The facts were always age-appropriate, which ensured that our kids were interested in what they were learning.

4) Appropriate Length

All the daily devotions about God and science spanned two pages, and we could consistently read through them in five minutes or less. We were able to hold our children’s attention for the duration of the reading and the questions without trouble.

5) Comprehensive and Organized

This book covers several topics, including space, earth, animals, and humanity. The introduction has the devotions for each topic listed. We chose to read through the devotions sequentially, but due to this feature, you could read through them one topic at a time if you prefer.

6) Focused on Prayer

After each reading, a prayer is included. It gave us a solid conclusion to our devotional time and was always applicable to what we had learned and read.

7) Original Perspective

Some of the biblical teachings were topics that you normally do not think to mention or cover when reviewing common Bible stories or lessons. This gave us a great opportunity to explore new biblical ideas with our children, as well as wonderful lifelong lessons about God.

8) Bible-Centered

Each lesson starts with a Bible verse to anchor the lesson. This introduces kids to many different verses, many of which are not as well-known. The authors did a great job tying the verses in with the devotionals and “Be Amazed” sections.

9) Stimulates Discussion

Some of the facts that we learned helped stimulate interesting discussions about God and nature. These conversations helped reinforce some of the things we learned as we read, and have taken root in our children’s minds in a special and memorable way.

10) Reinforces Biblical Science

This devotional offers a great perspective of God’s sovereignty: He is in control of all things, the entire universe was created by Him, and it is organized and planned with purpose to display His ultimate glory. It provides evidence of how the created world points all of humanity to the existence and presence of God. Our world was made by design – not chance!

Personal Story

We received this book as a gift from a family member, who also happens to be a pastor.  We made a habit of opening it together at dinnertime every evening. We started with entry number one and went from there, always making sure to show everyone the daily illustration, read the Bible verse and lesson, and conclude with the prayer and the “Be Amazed” section. Some of the lessons would lead to interesting discussions because they stimulated ideas or thoughts that hadn’t come up during our usual Bible reading. 

All of our kids enjoyed and looked forward to these dinner devotions. In particular, our son loved this book because he found the science facts very intriguing. He wasn’t alone – the parents even learned some new things! Did you know that there are dragons and dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible (Job 40-41)?! We didn’t either…but they are. We would recommend the book to any Christian families with children ages 5-12, especially if they are interested in creation.

Using devotional books such as this can help transform your home.

Key Points

  • When looking for devotional books for children, you should choose theologically accurate, age-appropriate, and interesting ones.
  • This book included thought-provoking lessons and was engaging for both children and adults.
  • It was great for our kids (ages 5-10) and would especially fit families who love to study science and creation.

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