5 Reasons We Attend the Celebration of Generosity

christian parenting family parenting prayer and worship Oct 29, 2023
5 Reasons We Attend the Celebration of Generosity

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

– Hebrews 10:24



We’ve written about how much we enjoy having our children attend conferences with us, but there are others that we like to experience as just the two of us. Naturally, we go to marriage conferences as a couple, but we’ve also discovered one called the Celebration of Generosity that has been a great blessing. We learned about it online while we were searching for a conference that would specifically encourage us to be generous givers in accordance with a biblical worldview. We first attended CoG in 2022, when it was held in Orlando and had such a wonderful experience that when we arrived home, we signed up for the next one right away! Here are five reasons we can’t wait to make this a regular part of our year.


Inspiring Stories

We’ve now attended the Celebration of Generosity twice, and both years we heard incredible stories of radically generous givers: people who gave beyond their means (even borrowing money in order to give), successful business owners who gave away millions of dollars to help a variety of different causes, and even some others who gave away homes.* In many of these circumstances, God blessed their financial gifts beyond what they had originally planned or thought they could do on their own. It was so encouraging to hear how God worked in people’s hearts and taught them to trust Him, giving them a truly eternal perspective. After all, every dollar we have belongs to Him anyway!


*Please note that we do not recommend that families make a practice of giving beyond their means; we are simply sharing that we heard some inspiring stories of people who did so. Parents need to steward their money well and provide for their families in a way that honors Christ. Giving is a part of that, but giving wisely is very important.


Compelling Speakers

The Celebration of Generosity brings in authors, doctors, financial experts, preachers, etc. who speak about a variety of topics at each conference. Many of them helped us think about things that had never crossed our minds before. We were also encouraged to be good stewards in other aspects of our lives as well, not just in our finances. Ultimately, we were pointed back to the reality that Christ needs to be at the center of our lives so that we can tell others about Him and use our gifts for His glory.


Great Music

We really enjoyed the artists that we got to see at CoG! We were uplifted and pointed to Christ through their music, and also got to hear several musicians we’d never heard of before. The music was upbeat and lively, and kept the energy up throughout the entire conference.


Wonderful People

CoG is hosted by the Generous Giving Network, and one thing they often say is, “There’s no such thing as an unhappy giver.” The incredible people we’ve met through their ministry has proved this to be true! The conference is structured to encourage socialization and connection, and we’ve had the opportunity to meet all kinds of people from around the country over meals, at receptions, and during breaks. We’ve gotten to hear their personal stories and learn from their life lessons. Last year, we hit it off with one couple in particular and were able to reconnect this year! CoG is a wonderful place to meet like-minded people.


Fabulous Venues

The Celebration of Generosity event changes location every year, so there are always new places to experience and explore when you attend. After we went to Orlando, we spent the next year in Scottsdale, Arizona. Next year, everyone will be meeting in Colorado Springs. We really appreciate that they always choose very nice resorts with great rooms, perfect for a couple’s getaway. They also include all of your meals in the price of the conference, so you don’t need an extra food budget. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and dessert are all provided!



The Celebration of Generosity is a truly unique conference that is beautifully put together. It inspires us to be biblical givers and to be bolder in pointing others to Jesus. When we leave, we’ve been inspired to keep Christ at the center of our lives and do all things for His glory.


Key Points

  • Conferences are one great way to get away and learn together as a couple.
  • The Celebration of Generosity is a conference that can inspire you to be a more Christian-minded giver.

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